Top 7 Tips for a Gluten-Free Diet

Living a gluten-free lifestyle doesn’t have to be complicated. You can get started on your gluten-free journey with the right tips and tricks without missing out on delicious, nutritious food. We’ve put together this guide of our top 7 tips for living a gluten-free day-to-day life to make it easier for you.

Whether you’re newly diagnosed with Celiac Disease or opt to go gluten-free, these tried-and-true strategies will set you up with everything you need to succeed.

Keep reading to discover our best advice for starting—and sticking—with a healthy and enjoyable life without any wheat, rye, barley, or oats in your diet.

Start with the basics

Going gluten-free has become a go-to for many individuals looking to improve their health and wellness. But starting this journey isn’t always easy — it can be overwhelming to figure out what foods to eat and which harm your health goals. The best advice when transitioning to a new way of eating is to start with the basics, so you do not feel overwhelmed.

If you’re on a gluten-free diet, this means eating more natural foods like fruits, vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats. It can provide your body with high-quality nutrition while adhering to dietary guidelines. Out of all the tips available for succeeding in a gluten-free diet, beginning with the basics is vital. Meal Matchmaker can provide you with meal delivery services to make your journey even more straightforward so that you can get the nutrition your body needs.

Learn to read labels carefully

One of the essential tips for living a gluten-free lifestyle is to become an eagle eye when reading labels. Gluten can be present in many different products, even if it’s not explicitly stated on the packaging. If you need clarification on something, contact the product manufacturer directly to double-check that there are no hidden sources of gluten in the product.

Look out for unsuspecting foods that contain gluten, such as malt vinegar, soy sauce, imitation seafood, and some soups and sauces. Be sure to double-check all labels thoroughly before buying a product — even if it states ‘gluten-free’ on the front of the packaging — just to be sure.

Avoid cross-contamination

When shopping for gluten-free and non-gluten-free products, always remember to avoid cross-contamination. It means keeping ingredients separated in the fridge, freezer, pantry, and kitchen surfaces. It will help you to ensure that you do not accidentally consume gluten which can lead to serious health complications.

Never cook plates, or store gluten-free and non-gluten-free foods together, as they can contaminate food with trace amounts of gluten. Ensure you clean all kitchen surfaces thoroughly before preparing a meal to reduce the risk of cross-contamination.

Check your medications and supplements

Gluten can be present in many medications and supplements, as some use gluten-containing fillers and binders. Make sure to speak with your doctor or pharmacist about the ingredients used in your prescription drugs and any over-the-counter medicines and vitamins you may be taking.

Common medications containing gluten include painkillers, antihistamines, antibiotics, and sleep aids. Contact the product manufacturer directly for more information if you need clarification on the ingredients in your medication or supplements.

Get creative with substitutions

Once you’ve become an expert label reader, it’s time to get creative in the kitchen. An easy way to make a gluten-free meal is to find suitable substitutions for gluten-containing ingredients. For example, swapping high-gluten grains such as wheat and barley with quinoa and rice — two of the best gluten-free grains available.

If you’re following a gluten-free diet, even more, nutritious alternatives can replace your favorite foods, from bread and pasta to pizzas and desserts.

Make sure you eat enough

When transitioning to a gluten-free diet, ensure you still get the necessary vitamins and minerals from food. Nutritional deficiencies can occur if you need more essential nutrients, such as iron and B12, for hormone production, digestion, and much more.

Adding nutrient-dense foods into your daily meals, such as fruits, vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats, is crucial. It will help you to avoid any nutritional deficiencies while feeling fuller for longer.

Stay organized in the kitchen

Another way to ensure your gluten-free diet runs smoothly is to stay organized in the kitchen, which means washing dishes, wiping surfaces, and cleaning up after yourself daily.

An organized kitchen will help you avoid cross-contamination, making it easier to stick with your dietary lifestyle change. A well-stocked pantry with gluten-free products will make meal preparation more straightforward and quicker.

In conclusion

Many tips can help you transition to a gluten-free diet more smoother and more accessible. Remember to read food labels carefully, avoid cross-contamination and check your medications for hidden sources of gluten. Get creative with substitutions, make sure you eat enough, and stay organized in the kitchen. With resources like Meal Matchmaker’s meal delivery services, it’s always been challenging to follow a gluten-free lifestyle.

Sophia Foster

Sophia Foster, who holds a degree in dietetics from Cornell University, has had a 20-year career rooted in promoting healthy eating habits. With a Master’s in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Washington, has been a nutritionist and healthy eating advocate. Her career includes clinical nutrition and public health education. She worked as a registered dietitian before shifting to health-focused writing in 2015. She enjoys urban farming and is a culinary blogger in her spare time. She is also a great triathlete and volunteers for school nutrition education programs.

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