How to Maintain and Care for Oriental Rugs

When you’re in the market for a new rug, there are a lot of things to consider. Is it going to look good? Will it match your couch? And how much will it cost?

There’s a lot to love about oriental rugs. They’re beautiful, they’re colorful, and they add a touch of class to any space. But if you’ve ever had the misfortune of owning one, you know that there’s another side to them: they can be kind of a pain in the butt to maintain.

There’s one thing that most people don’t think about—and if they do, they don’t give it much thought—until the rug starts looking less than pristine: how do I care for this thing?

We’re talking about washing and cleaning your rug. It’s not as easy as throwing it in the washing machine or spot-cleaning with some carpet cleaner. You need to be careful with oriental rugs, especially if they’re made of silk or wool.

But don’t worry—we’ve got your back! Here are two of the finest tips for keeping your rug looking good as new:

1. Keep it clean! This one is pretty obvious, but if you have kids or pets or just like to eat on the floor, it can be easy to let that rug get dirty without even noticing. Our recommendation: use a vacuum cleaner with an attachment specifically designed for cleaning rugs by hand—you’ll be able to get into those hard-to-reach places where food crumbs and pet hair tend to hide out.

2. Get professional help! You might think that you can handle this yourself, but trust us—if you want your rug looking brand-new again (and not like it just came off the floor), hire a professional oriental rug cleaning & restoration company that will take care of everything from start to finish.

You could try doing it yourself, but then again, you might not have the experience needed to ensure that your rug is safe during the cleaning and restoration processes. In fact, if you do try doing this type of work yourself, there’s a good chance that you’ll end up damaging your rug—which can lead to costly repairs down the road!

You can’t afford to suffer from rug burn.

There are a lot of things that you can do to maintain and care for your oriental rugs, but the best thing to do is to have them cleaned by a professional company. Not only does this ensure that your rug will last longer, but it also protects it from damage that might result from improper cleaning or restoration.

Why Cleaning by a Professional Company Is So Important?

There are many reasons why cleaning by a professional is important:

– It protects your investment in the rug: if you clean it yourself and damage it, you could end up ruining it. This means that instead of having something beautiful that has been handed down through generations, you’ll have nothing but memories and maybe some old stains on the floorboards.

– You might not know how to clean it properly: while some people think they can clean their own rugs at home with an old toothbrush and some soap, this isn’t always effective or even safe for the rug itself. If you don’t know what kind of material your rug is made out of (and what kind of material will work best for its cleaning), then you could be putting yourself in danger when trying to wash it yourself!

– if you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s easy to make mistakes that will cost you a lot of money. You can ruin an expensive rug by using the wrong cleaning products or by trying to clean it yourself when a professional would have done it better in less time and with fewer headaches.

– Oriental rugs are valuable because they’re made with high-quality materials that require special care. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you could end up damaging them beyond repair.

– The chemicals used in cleaning an oriental rug are toxic and you should never use them yourself or let anyone else use them without proper training. This means that if you clean your own rug, you’re putting your health at risk as well as damaging your investment.


That’s why it’s so important to keep them in good condition by caring for them properly. Even if you can’t afford to have it professionally cleaned and restored every year, since It’s expensive, the investment in periodic cleaning and proper maintenance is worth it for these special pieces of art that you’ll be enjoying for years to come.

Joan Parker

With a background in construction management and a degree from Texas A&M University, Joan Parker started contributing to our platform in 2020. Her expertise in flooring is evident in her 18 years of experience in both residential and commercial flooring projects. Joan’s articles offer insights into the latest flooring trends and installation techniques. Her years of experience in selecting and installing various flooring types inform her detailed guides. She is passionate about sustainable building materials and enjoys hiking and nature photography.

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