How to Create the Perfect College Morning Routine

Having a daily morning routine is the first pillar of every successful student. Creating a perfect college morning routine is not as complicated as every student thinks.

This short article will discuss all the best methods you can consider while making your college routine. We have also discussed some Time management tips for college students, which they can implement in their daily life to become successful in the future.

The Perfect College Morning Routine

Plan the Night Before

Plan the Night Before

It is your choice to add this habit to your morning routine or not, but this will help in many things and record the next day.

Here are some of the things which you can do on the previous night to make your mornings better:

  1. Decide your outfit for the next day
  2. Plan your Breakfast
  3. Set the alarm for the next morning
  4. Make your backpack for the class
  5. Keep your kitchen cabinet ready with everything that you need to consume before leaving for your class.

Get Up Early

Get Up Early

Getting up early in the morning is a good habit, and you do not have to rush for classes. You have enough time in the morning to do some extra work, such as completing assignments, doing homework, etc.

Waking up late can cause many bad habits, such as you can miss your Breakfast or miss your college bus, resulting in a decrease in attendance.

You can also do your study for quizzes and monthly tests if you get up early in the morning.

Make Your Bed

Make Your Bed

Making your bed is the first thing you should do after you wake up in the morning as it takes only a few seconds to clear the mess up and makes a clean environment throughout your room.

It is said that Making your bed in the morning leads you to a productive Day.

Water First, Then Tea or Coffee

Water First, Then Tea or Coffee

It would help if you drank a full glass of water as soon as you wake up as it has excellent benefits, which improves some functions of your body. Being hydrated enables you to spend your day with ease.

You can use different applications on your smartphone, which reminds you of drinking water on time. You can also place a water bottle next to your bed at nighttime, so you do not have to visit the Kitchen every time you get thirsty.



Meditation is an excellent tool for relaxation and peace of mind. But most college students ignore this habit as they think this a challenging and time taking process.

Some of the essential benefits of medication are:

  1. Relief from Stress and Anxiety
  2. Increased Focus
  3. Self-Awareness Enhanced

Journal for About 5-10 Minutes

Journal for About 5-10 Minutes

Journaling is an excellent way of writing your thoughts, and you thought while meditating.

You must write your thoughts such as

  • What are you grateful for?
  • What do you want to achieve in life?

These are examples that you can write in your daily journals.

Listening Podcast

Listening Podcast

Listening to a podcast daily in the morning is an excellent way of getting updated with today’s world. There are different categories of Podcasts, such as productivity, technology, news, blogging, etc.

You can also listen to music rather than podcasts in the morning time to refresh your mind. Having a refreshed mind at the starting of the day can make the whole day stress free.

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Eat a Hearty Breakfast

Eat a Hearty Breakfast

Breakfast is the first and most important meal of the day. You must make sure that you should eat healthy food during Breakfast, which keeps your metabolism active throughout the day. Your Breakfast must be packed with protein and other nutrients.

Having Breakfast while listening to music is the best combination for all college students.

Make A To-Do List for The Day

Make A To-Do List for The Day

Creating a To-do list of the essential things is one of the essential tasks in a college student’s daily routine. Planning your day will help you to remember everything that you must do on that day.

There are many organizer applications available which you can use on your smartphone to organize your whole day.

The main reason behind successful or topper students is that they are well organized about everything.

Wear a Great Outfit

Wear a Great Outfit

It would help if you had to take care of your clothing style as looking good in college is also essential. But you must make sure that you wear only those clothes in which you feel comfortable. Wearing the right clothes can help you in boosting your confidence and enables you to make new friends.

Get Ready

Get Ready

After a successful sleep of eight hours, now you must wake up and manage your daily hygiene. You can start by taking a shower, brushing your teeth, some makeup, and you are good to go.

You have your bags packed; all your clothes are laid; you are fully relaxed and ready to head toward the classroom.

Prepare for Your Classes for That Day

Prepare for Your Classes for That Day

Finally, before leaving home, you must make sure that you have put all the essential books and notebooks into the backpack. It would help if you took all the assignments with yourself and must be prepared for everything.

Some Best Time-Management Tips for College Students

These are some of the best time management tips that college students can follow to create a successful life.

Identify Time Wasters and Set Goals

Identify Time Wasters and Set Goals

To be successful in life, you must prioritize your goals first. It would be best if you focused on your studies and assignments first rather than anything.

Some of the timewasters in every college student life include:

  • Spending too much time on Social media
  • Texting or answering phone calls while studying
  • Spending too much time while browsing the web for unnecessary information

You can use these activities as your reward for accomplishing a short goal.

Use Your Smartphone for Good

Use Your Smartphone for Good

Smartphones are useful products for studies if you know how to use this for your good. There are various applications available for the smartphone, which can be turned into time wasters, so you must take care of that.

With some Self-discipline, you can quickly control your phone and make it the best asset you can use for study purposes.

Your smartphone can also act as a calendar and scheduler, which you can use to schedule your tasks, and it keeps you informed about the ongoing task.

There are various helpful applications too, which are available for smartphones, which you can use for study as they provide online lectures and detailed concepts of every topic.

Stick to A Routine

Stick to A Routine

Sticking to a routine is one of the most challenging tasks in every college student’s life. You can easily create a daily routine at the beginning of the semester. It would be best if you managed your time precisely to have enough time for other work.

Sticking to a daily routine can help you in reducing uncertainty.

Be Healthy

Be Healthy

It is one of the essential pieces of advice for every student to maintain their health. Maintaining health can play a massive role in every student’s life to successfully manage their time.

Taking care of health is considered important as maintaining your studies as, without a healthy body, you will not be allowed to perform any curriculum tasks.

Plan to Do Each Task at Once

Plan to Do Each Task at Once

Multitasking is an excellent habit for every student, but only if they correctly understand what they are doing. But many of the students completely waste their time doing two work simultaneously as it is advisable for students to understand each concept thoroughly.

Juggling more than one work at a time can make you less productive. Some students listen to music while studying or any other podcasts.

That is why it is recommended for students to turn off all the devices during their study time and not switch to another task without completing one. It is a tough habit to build on, but it will be worth it in the future.

Make Friends with Checklist

Make Friends with Checklist

Every student needs to have friendships with the Checklists as they play an essential role in a student’s life. You can use a checklist for remembering everything you have to do in your whole day.

You can also use different color checklists to assign different work categories, such as you can use a yellow checklist for homework and purple for assignments, etc.

Final Words

Finally, we have discussed several points necessary to know if you are a college student and interested in making a perfect college routine.

All the things that we have mentioned are essential to get through college quickly. However, there are several other factors as well that you will learn gradually with time.

If you find this article useful, do not forget to share it once, and if you have any doubts/questions regarding the topic, do not forget to paste it in the comment section below. We will try our best to solve all your queries.

Jack Palmer

Jack Palmer holds a PhD in Education from the University of Oxford and has been influencing the field of educational research and policy for 10 years. He joined our editorial team in 2019, enriching readers with insights on educational trends and teaching methodologies. Jack’s prior experience includes a professorship at a prestigious university and a policy advisor role in education reform. He is a passionate advocate for lifelong learning and enjoys playing the piano in his free time.

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