How To Choose A Dehumidifier For Your Home

Your home can quickly become a stale, muggy and uncomfortable place if you let humidity get out of hand. Many things contribute to high humidity levels in your home, including cooking, showering, hot water systems, and air conditioners. Letting it go on for too long can lead to mold and mildew damage which can be costly and unhealthy.

Having a dehumidifier in your home is essential to ensure that the moisture level is within the correct levels. If you’re looking for a dehumidifier, you need to ask yourself a few questions, such as the size of your space and if you’re willing to invest in energy-efficient models. This article will serve as your guide in choosing the right type of dehumidifier for your home.

1. Look At The Reviews

One of the easiest ways to choose anything from a sofa to a dehumidifier is by looking at the reviews. This is especially helpful if you’re not an expert on dehumidifiers and are unsure what features to look for when purchasing. You can start by looking at online reviews and ratings of dehumidifiers at, among several other sites. These sites will give you expert opinions and buying guides on the right dehumidifier for your home.

Alternatively, you can also ask for reviews from colleagues, family, friends, or HVAC contractors. Their experiences may help you in choosing a dehumidifier for your home. However, their recommendations may not entirely fit your needs.

2. Consider The Size Of Your Space

When buying a dehumidifier, the most important thing you need to know is the capacity you need. This will depend on which part of your home requires it and how large that area will be. The larger the space, the bigger the dehumidifier unit needs to be. When choosing the appropriate size, a good rule of thumb is that you want to get one pint of water removed per 10 square feet of space. For example, if you have 500 square feet of space, you’ll want to get a unit that removes 50 pints of water per day.

Another factor that affects how much water removal capacity is needed is how humid the area gets. High humidity means more water will be present in the air than in low humidity. These areas require more capacity for dehumidifying.

3. Choose Energy-Efficient Models


The next thing to consider is energy usage. Using the dehumidifier in a remote location such as a basement or garage may not be as crucial because you won’t use it regularly. However, if you’re going to be running your dehumidifier every day, you’ll want one that’s energy efficient. Look for Energy Star-rated units. They can cost more than ones that aren’t warranted, but they’ll save you money on your electric bill over time.

Moreover, some insurance companies can offer you discounts for using energy-efficient appliances in your home. So, if your insurance company offers any discounts for using energy-efficient appliances and equipment, you could save on energy costs.

4. Consider The Type Of Drainage

Some units have continuous drainage systems built into them, which means you can leave it running and never have to empty a bucket again. But some are designed with buckets that need to be drained from time to time. Find out whether the model you’re considering has continuous drainage or bucket drainage to know what kind of maintenance will be required.

Also, consider the amount of time you can spare to empty the bucket and where you want the water to drain. If the continuous drainage supports this, then go for it. If not, settle for the bucket drainage.

5. Be Mindful Of Noise Levels

Your home should be comfortable enough for the people living there. Therefore, as much as the dehumidifier will help make the house comfortable, it shouldn’t be too loud that people find it unbearable.

Suppose you’re planning on using the dehumidifier in a room where people spend a lot of time, like a family room or bedroom where infants sleep. In that case, it’s essential to consider how loud the unit will be while it’s running. Look for quiet units so as not to disturb people when they’re sleeping or watching TV. You can often find noise level information on the manufacturer’s website or online reviews.


A dehumidifier is an essential appliance in your home if you need to keep the humidity level down and your air clean. However, like any other equipment, you can only enjoy the benefits if you choose a suitable unit for your home. You can consider the factors discussed in this article and find the right dehumidifier.

Dominik Sherman

Dominik Sherman, an authority in home organization, earned his degree in Interior Design from the University of Washington. With over 15 years of experience in space optimization and minimalist design, Dominik joined our platform in 2020, offering innovative and practical home organization solutions. Before this, he ran a successful home organizing consultancy, helping clients transform their living spaces. Dominik is also an avid gardener, finding peace and inspiration in the harmony of nature and organized spaces.

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