Ways to Spend a Great Summer Vacation

Summer vacation is such a fun time! You’re on break from work, the sun is out, and you get to spend it outside. But, planning the perfect summer vacation can be a nightmare. Should you hop on a plane and head to an international location? Drive to a beach destination? Or, should you stay close to home?

Explore Some Natural And Manmade Wonders

The natural wonders are the true treasures of our planet. They are the ones that give you a better understanding of the world you live in and help you appreciate it more. If you find yourself in specific locations around the world, you should make a concerted effort to check them out. Fortunately, you can achieve this task very readily, depending on where you are. For example, if you happen to be in the New York or Toronto regions of North America, you can book Tours To Niagara Falls without too much difficulty. Likewise, if you happen to be in Cambodia, you can find numerous guided tours of the famous Angkor Wat Temple. No matter where you are, the critical point is to dedicate a certain amount of time in your vacation to visit these fantastic sights and forge some unforgettable memories (not to mention plenty of Instagram-worthy photos!).

Go Camping!

The experience of being in nature and getting away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life can be very relaxing. Camping is also a great way to get back to basics and spend quality time with family, friends, or just by yourself. While this point won’t appeal to everyone, those who appreciate the great outdoors will relish the chance to sleep among the stars and discover a sense of tranquility that only camping can provide.

Visit Somewhere Local You Have Never Been Before

It is easy to fall into the trap of sitting by the pool or beach for the duration of a vacation, but to do so is a great travesty, especially if you are in a country that is ripe for exploration. Although relaxation plays a vital role when on holiday, it is worth spending a few days getting out and about and off the beaten track. You can visit local markets, participate in traditional festivals and ceremonies, and better understand the culture.

Learn A New Language

There is nothing like learning a few essential phrases of the local lingo to ingratiate yourself among the local population. You don’t have to go overboard and spend months learning it (unless you want to, in which case, kudos to you), but a few phrases never go amiss. In many cases, you will discover that you get preferential treatment when buying souvenirs and meals, all from spending a few days learning the basics like numbers, greetings, and a few jokes.

Read The Books You Haven’t Had Time To Read

Reading seems to have fallen out of favor these days, but this is often due to a lack of time rather than desire in many cases. Therefore, you should use the time to load up all of the books you have always wanted to read on your Kindle, find a comfortable spot and begin working your way through them. Just remember that if you aren’t enjoying a particular piece of writing, you can always skip it and move on to something more exciting. It is a vacation, after all, and you shouldn’t suffer through a boring novel for the sake of it.

There are limitless ways to spend a great summer vacation. You don’t have to go far or spend a lot of money to have fun. The point is to enjoy yourself and be active while doing it, and you won’t regret it.

Mia Harrison

Mia Harrison, a graduate with a BA in Geography from UC Berkeley, has been a professional travel planner for 15 years. Her experience ranges from boutique travel agencies to corporate travel management. Her journey in travel planning also encompasses global expeditions and cultural tours. Mia joined our editorial team in 2021, sharing her expertise in crafting memorable itineraries. Outside of work, she's an avid hiker and enjoys exploring different cuisines.

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