How to Overcome Common Pool Cleaning Challenges?

Having a pool at home is really a matter of luxury. From just seeing the sight to swimming in the pool, we love everything about it except for when it comes to cleaning it. We know it is a real struggle but at the same time a very important step too.

There are a few things that you will face while cleaning your swimming pool, as it has so many different steps. Overcoming those challenges is not easy, but not impossible either. Don’t be afraid, as we got you covered.

Here you will learn about the most common swimming pool cleaning challenges and how to overcome them easily.

1. Algae

Greeneries are considered to be a good thing but unfortunately, not inside the pool. If you see any green inside or outside your pool, then it confirms that algae have taken over the area.

Before knowing the solution, you should know why it happens. If you do not clean your pool at the correct time and in the right way, then algae may show up. Algae might also grow if there is a chemical imbalance, poor filtration, and low sanitation in the pool.

You must deal with algae immediately. Why? Because it causes a lot of problems starting from skin irritation to eye infections. It also makes your pool slippery. Now, what can you do to remove algae from your pool especially if it is everywhere?

The answer is- By shocking your pool! How can you do that? You will have to pour a large amount of chlorine into the pool. To prevent your pool from developing algae, you should aim for a ph level of 7.2 to 7.6. You can do a super-chlorination by adding 10 to 20 ppm of chlorine in the pool.

You can always opt for liquid chlorine, which is considered an ideal algae shock. It does not add calcium or CYA (cyanuric acid) to water and acts really fast.

Your job is not done here. After doing the chlorination, make sure to clean the algae with a vacuum or brush. To remove any spores, try backwashing your media filter or manually washing cartridges.

2. Debris

If you have a pool outside, then it is very likely that you will deal with dirt and debris. It is very difficult to keep your pool free from all the leaves and dust, but not impossible.

The question is: what can you do in this kind of situation? The answer is to use filters. Filters are really important in removing debris from your pool and keeping it clean. But not all filters are the same.

For example, we have synthetic filters that are made of fiberglass and polyester also, we have paper-made filters.

If you can see leaves or other things floating in the pool, use a pool skimmer. But you should know that skimming your pool by hand can be quite tiring. But the good news is, you can always use a robot pool cleaner!

These are not just fun to watch but also get the job done without any hassle.

However, make sure to check some reviews like this Dolphin Sigma Review to ensure you buy the best robot pool cleaner for you.

3. Cloudy Pool

If your pool water is not green, do not get all happy until it is crystal clear water. If your pool water is cloudy, you need to make some changes there.

The three main reasons why you might have a cloudy pool are environmental debris, chemical imbalance, and filter issues.

The very first thing that you need to consider is the current condition of your swimming pool filter. If it is damaged, you need to replace it because it will leave you with more murky water as it can not filter out water properly.

If it is clogged, try cleaning it manually and see if you have clean water after running the pump. After you are done with the pool filter, check the chlorine level of your pool, especially after rain.

Evaporation and rain can drop the level of chlorine in your pool, which can lead to the growth of algae which can make your water cloudy as well.

You want the chlorine level of your pool to be at 2 to 3 ppm. If it is less than that, you need to shock the pool.

High calcium water hardness can also cause your pool water to be cloudy and can permanently damage your filter as well. So to overcome this, you must measure the calcium level and keep checking it until your water becomes clear again.

4. Scaling

Did you ever get into your pool and feel like there’s sand all over? If yes, then this is bad news, as it means that you have excess calcium in your pool which is called scaling.

If you do not fix this on time, the sharp edge of the scaling can tear your skin when you get in the pool. Does not sound so pleasing, does it? But we have got a solution for this too.

What you can do is, use a metal or calcium remover. Now how to know which is the best kind for your pool?

It depends on whether there is calcium silicate which appears to be gray or calcium carbonate, which comes in white color. You might need to work more to remove calcium silicate, but calcium carbonate is really easy to remove from your pool make sure you scrub well during both times.

But if the result is not satisfying for you, you need to consider draining the whole pool and acid-washing the surface.

5. Stain in Pool Surface

The surface of your pool should be stainless. Exactly the way you want to keep your skin. But, for whatever reason, if there is a stain in your pool, you need to remove it as soon as possible.

If your pool water has metal in it, there is a high chance that the surface will appear brown. You need to adjust your pool’s alkalinity and PH level to overcome this problem.

Brush the stains as soon as possible because it will prevent your pool from any future discoloration by keeping the metal levels down. But, if your pool has discoloration for a long period of time, then only brushing will not be enough. You need to use a metal stain remover for any stubborn stains.

If there are stains from any insects, algae, or leaves, then you can also remove them by brushing. However, stain all over the pool would mean you need to shock the pool and circulate the water for at least 8 hours.

6. Irritation

The pool is a place to relax. But if your skin starts to irritate as soon as you are going into the pool or getting out, then what is even the point? This can happen if the PH level of your pool is not right.

The human body can handle a PH level between 7.2 and 7.6. Check the PH level; if it is more than 7.6, bacteria and algae will grow in the water, and at the same time, if it is lower than 7.2, it will make the water acidic.

None of these are good for your skin. You need to adjust the PH level until it reaches the suggested level to have a safe swimming pool.

If the pool water still irritates your skin after fixing the PH level, then you might have chloramine sensitivity. To fix this, you can switch to a mineral pool instead. Mineral pools will make the water much softer, and it is comparatively low maintenance than the typical chlorine pool.

7. Chlorine Odour

If you get the fragrance of roses, then there are roses somewhere around; if you get the smell of food, then there must be some food nearby. But, if you get a smell of chlorine in your pool, then it means your pool lacks enough chlorine. What an irony, right?

Let me break it down for you. Chlorine does not have any smell of its own. But a combination of nitrogen and ammonia with chlorine makes chloramines. Nitrogen and ammonia come from skin products, body oils, and urine, etc.

Now chloramine can produce a pungent smell by turning it into a gas. On top of that, it can reduce the level of chlorine in your pool. To tackle this situation, you need to shock your pool to get back the chlorine level to its normal state.

Check your pool water once or twice a week to know when the chlorine level in your pool is dropping so that you can take the measures to fix it.

8. Foam

If your pool does not look like a pond, but like a bubble bath, it is called foaming. It happens when you have a chemical imbalance in your pool.

The chemicals that the algaecide produces create foam in your pool, which can make the water of your pool a bit foamy. You can either wait for it to reduce, or you can always use a non-foaming brand of algaecide.

Another cause is skin products like shampoo, conditioner, cream, etc. These usually come from the swimmers that go into the pool, which can make the water foamy.

To make your pool water more clear, you need to balance the chemicals in your pool by shocking it. And to prevent it from happening again, you can take a quick bath before entering the pool and make others do the same. \

The Final Thought

The first thing that we recommend is not to be disheartened if you face any issues. Getting a pool means signing up for these as well. Always remember if you have problems, you will have solutions as well. So get started and clean the pool to enjoy a peaceful splash time without getting ill!

Terry White

Terry White is a landscape designer specializing in pools and water features who holds a Bachelor’s in Landscape Architecture from the University of Texas. Her expertise extends to eco-friendly and sustainable water systems. Her articles provide insights into creating functional and beautiful water elements in outdoor spaces. She enjoys aquatic gardening and participating in water conservation initiatives in his spare time. He is a great swimmer and enjoys exploring natural water habitats as well.

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