How To Optimize Your Beauty Regimen in 2023

This year you can be the best version of yourself if you update your beauty regimen. If you aren’t feeling your current beauty routine, it’s time to shake things up and make some changes. Your inner gorgeous self is ready to show up. Here is how to optimize your beauty routine.

Healthy Foods

Your beauty routine should start with a healthy diet. When you ingest wholesome food with plenty of vitamins and minerals, you give your body a better chance to be at its best. Strive to get the daily recommended dose of Vitamin D, Vitamin C and other essential nutrients in your diet. Aim for whole grains, lean meats and lots of fruit and vegetables.

Moisturizing Lotions

The next thing to change is your moisturizing routine. Look for different types of moisturizing lotions that lock in moisture so your skin looks fresh and plump throughout the day. Experiment with different moisturizers that work better for your skin’s needs so you aren’t a victim of dry, crepey skin.

Thicker, Fuller Hair

As people age, they may lose volume in their hair. To combat this, consider using a hair serum for growth. It may take several months to see results with a hair serum. Additionally, consider new hairstyles and cuts that accentuate your features and help make your locks appear more lush and full. Avoid using heavy chemicals, straighteners, heat tools and color in your hair if you’re trying to make it thicker.

Face Creams that Actually Work

You may have several different face creams in your beauty supply stash. But which ones actually work? Many people use face creams to help fight different skin problems, such as acne or aging. For both of these issues, the most effective face creams may be ones you need a prescription for from a dermatologist. One over-the-counter skin cream that has some promise is azelaic acid face cream.

Supplements for Beauty

If you want an extra boost to your beauty routine, consider taking vitamin supplements that help replenish lost nutrients or deficiencies. You can give your hair, skin and nails some support with vitamin formulas that contain biotin or collagen. Another option is a nutrient called nutrafol. Understand the differences between biotin vs nutrafol and how they affect your skin and hair.

An Exercise Routine

Besides your health, exercise also offers benefits to your beauty. Regular exercise may help you stay at a healthy weight and improve your range of motion. Additionally, some exercises reduce stress. Having a lot of stress on your shoulders could make you look extra tired and dull. Choose exercises that combine cardio and strength training to get the most benefits.

A Full Night of Sleep

One of the top ways you can improve your appearance and get the most out of an effective beauty routine is to also get enough sleep every night. Avoid using devices right before bed and schedule at least eight hours of shut-eye a night.

If you want to enhance your natural beauty and look your best, use these hacks. In just a few months, you can look better than ever.

Zoe Scott

Zoe Scott, holding a Master’s in Public Health from Harvard University, has been a wellness and self-care advocate for 18 years. Zoe Scott has spent years in wellness and self-care as a therapist before transitioning to wellness writing in 2019. Her background includes wellness coaching and holistic health writing. Zoe became a part of our editorial team as a freelancer in 2020, focusing on empowering readers towards healthier lifestyles. She practices meditation daily and is a certified yoga instructor.

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