How to Choose a Gift for Someone You Don’t Know Well

Gift-giving is usually intended to be a gesture to demonstrate how much you care about someone, but there are occasions when you might need to give someone a gift even though you barely know them or have only recently met. These occasions can be awkward, especially if you want to make a good impression on the person but don’t have enough information about their likes and dislikes.

Fortunately, there are ways that you can still give a thoughtful and appreciated gift even when you aren’t familiar with the person in question. Here are a few tips to help you out of a potentially tricky situation.

Ask One of Their Friends

Chances are, if you intend to give someone a gift, you most likely have a friend, family member or colleague in common. The person who introduced you is your best bet for finding out more about what your recipient will appreciate in a gift.

Don’t be shy about asking for their advice, as this isn’t a sign of being inconsiderate. In fact, it is the opposite. It shows that you want your gift to be at least somewhat meaningful or useful to your recipient. Mention that you would prefer your mutual friend not to tell the recipient as this could ruin the surprise of the gift.

Sending Gifts as a Businessperson

If you want to send a gift on behalf of your business, then it can be difficult finding someone to ask for gift advice. In this situation, looking for an impactful and unique gift can be the ideal solution. Perhaps you want to send a thank-you gift from your company to a helpful collaborator.

A thoughtful gesture such as corporate chocolate gifts shows that you are thankful for their support and could be interested in working together again. Since it is unlikely that you know each and every member of another company’s team, it isn’t efficient to send out individual gifts. A memorable and unusual gift will likely stand out and leave a good impression.

Give a Useful Gift

There are some aspects of life that almost everyone has to deal with. This includes eating and bathing, among plenty of others. When you are truly in a bind as to what to give someone, think about what they would find the most practical. In this instance, avoid going over the top with too many toiletries or foods, as this can be a burden to your recipient rather than a gift. Items like notebooks, simple snacks, and body wash are usually a safe bet.

Ask Them Directly

When all else fails, there are methods of asking your intended recipient what they would appreciate as a gift without giving the surprise away or being too blunt. You can gather information from a simple conversation by sharing your interests or paying attention to what their priorities might be. Even if you have to admit that you are planning to give them a gift, this shows that you are thoughtful and want to give them something they will enjoy.

Dominik Sherman

Dominik Sherman, an authority in home organization, earned his degree in Interior Design from the University of Washington. With over 15 years of experience in space optimization and minimalist design, Dominik joined our platform in 2020, offering innovative and practical home organization solutions. Before this, he ran a successful home organizing consultancy, helping clients transform their living spaces. Dominik is also an avid gardener, finding peace and inspiration in the harmony of nature and organized spaces.

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