6 of the Most Common Commercial Plumbing Issues New Property Owners Must Look Out For!

Managing or owning a commercial business can be quite stressful. Aside from keeping your business running or your tenants happy, you need to ensure that service issues such as the plumbing are continuously taken care of.

Many of the commercial plumbers Melbourne and other Australian cities rely on all agree that the majority of plumbing emergencies could easily have been avoided. Commercial property owners simply need to stay on top of the various aspects of the building’s plumbing to avoid emergencies that could end up costing a fortune!

Avoid These Common Plumbing Issues in Your Commercial Business

Depending on the nature of the business you run from your commercial property, your plumbing systems could see considerable use! Whether it’s a busy café kitchen or a buzzing office block a plumbing issue could result in a serious financial loss, downtime and even damage to your reputation.

Experienced property owners might have a handle on the various plumbing issues that could interrupt their business. If you’ve recently acquired a commercial property you could easily benefit from a few tips to keep your plumbing in check!

Blocked Toilets

If your commercial building sees a lot of daily traffic then it’s a guarantee that you’ll experience a bathroom catastrophe at some point! With restrooms regularly being used by customers and staff, the facilities are at greater risk of blockages and leaks compared to the average home. Therefore, it’s imperative for staff to check the facilities every day to identify potential blockages.

Hot Water Supply

Commercial buildings that host kitchens or medical facilities rely on hot water to comply with industry standards. Hot water problems arise when the water pressure is faulty as a result of faulty valves. It’s important to consult with a certified commercial plumber if you suspect your hot water supply is faulty!

Backflow Issues

No matter how long you’ve been in the commercial property business, you’re no doubt aware of the issues associated with backflow problems. A change in water pressure caused by faulty pressure valves can easily result in water contamination. Routine maintenance audits performed by a commercial plumber will ensure there’s no risk of water pooling in taps or valves. Also, advise your plumber to buy valves from leading manufacturers and suppliers.

Australian law dictates that backflow testing should be done annually, so why not add a yearly reminder on your calendar?

Potential Gas Leaks

Commercial buildings that house food-producing kitchens often make use of gas, which puts your business at risk of gas leaks. Since gas leaks aren’t always easy to detect, staff and customers could be exposed to a considerable amount of gas before the issue is detected.

Carbon monoxide poisoning can be fatal to people and animals. If there’s ever any suspicion of gas leaks in your building, contact your commercial plumber immediately. The plumber will not only repair the damaged or leaking gas fittings, but they’ll also provide you with the necessary preventative measures to avoid the issue from reoccurring.

Blocked Drains

Commercial kitchens are notorious for having blocked drains. This is usually a result of grease, oil and food debris in sinks and dishwasher lines. Educating your staff about the correct way to dispose of food scraps, oil and grease is the first step to preventing blocked drains.

Checking the drains regularly as well as during maintenance audits will ensure the blockages are cleared up before they cause severe damage to the plumbing.


Any building, irrespective of the amount of traffic that passes through it, is susceptible to water leaks. There can be several reasons responsible for leaks in your commercial building, including:

  • Aged plumbing pipes or fixtures
  • Cracked pipes
  • Leaking toilets
  • Incorrect fittings or fixtures added for the volume of a commercial building
  • Blocked pipes causing sinks to overflow

Leaks won’t only create a mess that could damage floors, walls or furniture but could also result in injury should anyone slip on wet floors. Additionally, water in the walls or floors can result in the growth of bacteria and mould. This in turn can result in additional costs to have the mould removed from the building. So, you can see why it’s wise to have preventative maintenance in place.

Why Commercial Plumbers are Different to Residential Plumbers

When you step into the commercial property business it’s important to remember that your plumbing systems should always be addressed by a certified commercial plumber. Essentially, commercial plumbing systems might seem similar to residential plumbing but it requires a whole different skill set. Pipes, fixtures, fittings and plumbing systems are also different to those found in retail properties.

Your first consultation with a commercial plumber should be to perform a maintenance audit to identify any problems that need to be repaired, replaced or simply serviced. Once this is done, you can set up a schedule for routine maintenance on the various aspects of your plumbing systems. In some instances, this might also include sprinkler systems, air conditioning units and heating units.

Final Thought

It’s important to remember that commercial plumbing systems require routine maintenance carried out by commercial plumbers with the necessary skills. It’s crucial to draw up a maintenance audit schedule to ensure that all the various aspects of your plumbing system are serviced and maintained.

Remember, when it comes to plumbing, “prevention is better than cure!”

Betty Bennett

Betty Bennett is a licensed plumber with a diploma from the National Trade Academy who has been offering her expertise to various readers since 2017. Her 20 years of experience in residential and commercial plumbing provide a solid foundation for her practical and informative articles. Her articles are known for their clarity and helpful tips. When not writing, she enjoys outdoor activities and is an active member of a local hiking club. Sometimes, she enjoys mentoring young apprentices in her spare time and is a keen participant in local DIY workshops.

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