Dr Bruce Farnsworth

Pelvic Reconstructive Surgeon





               Patient Information - Incontinence



Urinary and faecal incontinence are major health problems affecting 1 in 6 women to a varying degree. Apart from personal discomfort and embarrassment the amount spent on incontinence by the community runs into millions of dollars every year.

A new theory of female urinary incontinence has led us to re-evaluate our knowledge in this area and enabled the development of improved non-surgical and surgical treatments for incontinence. 

 Click here for information on the latest innovations in pelvic medicine

Accurate diagnosis is critical in deciding what is the best treatment for incontinence and associated conditions. At the Centre for Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery, Sydney Adventist Hospital we have access to the latest technology in the form of modern urodynamics equipment, the latest 3D and 4D ultrasound, and MRI scanners. Advanced urological and colorectal diagnostic tests can be arranged. 

All patients are part of a detailed quality assurance and data review program to constantly assess the efficacy and safety of various treatments. Our practice is committed to research and a number research projects are in progress.

Sub urethral slings have now become the new Gold Standard for treatment of Stress Incontinence. Dr Farnsworth has been performing sub urethral slings since 1997. He is experienced in the use of all the available slings on the market and attempts to choose the most appropriate sling for each patients individual situation.

Special Treatments

Unfortunately there are situations where the deterioration that occurs in the body is irreversible and incontinence becomes virtually impossible to cure. Often these patients have been to see many doctors who specialise in this area and have suffered disappointment after disappointment. Some new options are now available for these patients:

Botox Injections Multiple small injections of Botox given into the muscle wall of the bladder have proven to be of assistance in treating long term urgency and bladder instability. 

AccessaŽ (Previously known as Miniaturo) is an exciting development for women with long-term leakage and symptoms of urinary urge incontinence. A small electrode is implanted close to the bladder and this is connected to a pacemaker device which modulates the nerve impulse to and from the bladder and controls the symptoms. At present Dr Farnsworth is an investigator in the first worldwide study into this device and we are seeking suitable patients to enter into a trial.

 Click here to learn more about the AccessaŽ(Miniaturo) Trial at Sydney Adventist Hospital

New Sling

The latest treatment innovation that Dr Farnsworth has recently introduced into his practice is the new TVT-SecurŽ "mini sling". This sling measures only 8cm in length and is made of an improved low density non elastic polypropylene mesh. It is more like a "staple" than a sling in that it is pushed into position under the mid-urethra but attaches to the soft tissues directly and does not need to pass through the body and exit through the abdomen or groin. At this stage we have no idea whether the long term efficacy will be as good as the other slings but there is a dramatic reduction in the risk of trauma, bleeding, pain and visceral damage which makes this new device an exciting option.

Click here to look at more information about TVT Secur