Why Tiles Get Popped Up: 7 Reasons and Solutions

Understanding the causes behind popped-up tiles is essential for preventing and addressing this issue. Tiles can get popped up due to mistakes in cleaning, workers installing low-quality tiles, absence of adhesive or use of poor-quality adhesive, unmatched subfloor level, or collisions with heavy items.

To resolve these issues, it is crucial to follow proper cleaning techniques, use high-quality tiles and adhesive, ensure a levelled subfloor, and exercise caution when handling heavy objects near tiled areas.

There are other crucial solutions to consider while having your tiles installed as well. By ensuring proper installation and maintenance and addressing environmental factors, homeowners can enjoy durable and visually pleasing tile flooring. Remember, consulting professionals are always recommended for effective repairs and long-term solutions.

What does a popped-up tile look like? 

A popped-up floor tiles is easily noticeable as it creates an uneven surface. The tile may rise above the surrounding tiles, creating a visible gap or a hump. This not only compromises the visual appeal but also poses potential safety hazards such as tripping or water seepage.

You can prevent tiles from popping up, by installing high-quality tiles and compatible adhesive. Make sure to follow recommended cleaning and maintenance practices. Take preventive measures to avoid accidents that may damage the tiles and address any issues promptly.

Causes of Tile Lifting Up 

Several factors contribute to tiles popping up, ranging from external to internal causes. Let’s explore some of the common reasons behind this issue.

Internal Reasons

1. Mistakes in Cleaning:

Improper cleaning methods can inadvertently damage the tiles, causing them to lift. The use of harsh chemicals, abrasive cleaning tools, or excessive water can weaken the adhesive holding the tiles in place. It is essential to follow recommended cleaning practices to maintain the integrity of the tiles.

2. Low-Quality Tiles: 

Sometimes, the problem lies with the tiles themselves. If low-quality tiles were installed, they might not have the necessary strength or durability to withstand daily wear and tear. Over time, these tiles can loosen and pop up, requiring replacement with higher-quality alternatives.

3. Absence of Adhesive or Poor-Quality Adhesive: 

Insufficient or poor-quality adhesive can lead to tile lifting. If the adhesive is not applied properly during installation, it may not bond effectively with the subfloor, resulting in tiles that are prone to displacement. Using a high-quality adhesive suitable for the specific tile type and subfloor material is crucial for long-term stability.

4. Unmatched Subfloor Level: 

An uneven subfloor is a significant contributor to tile lifting. When the subfloor is not properly levelled or prepared before tile installation, it can create gaps and voids that compromise the adhesive’s effectiveness. Over time, the tiles can lift due to the lack of proper support and bonding.

5. Heavy Items Causing Collisions:

Accidental collisions with heavy objects or dropping heavy items onto the tiled surface can cause tiles to pop up. The impact can crack or dislodge the tiles, disrupting the bond between the tile and the subfloor. It is important to exercise caution when moving heavy items to avoid damaging the tiles.

External Reasons:

1. Expansion of Floor: 

Changes in temperature and humidity levels can cause the floor to expand and contract. This expansion can exert pressure on the tiles, leading to popping up. It is essential to consider the effects of temperature and humidity when selecting tiles and installing expansion joints to accommodate the natural movement of the floor.

2. Heat and Moisture: 

Excessive heat and moisture can also contribute to tile lifting. In areas with high humidity, such as bathrooms or kitchens, the moisture can seep into the subfloor, weakening the adhesive and causing tiles to loosen. Similarly, exposure to extreme heat or rapid temperature fluctuations can lead to expansion and contraction, affecting the bond between the tile and the subfloor.

How to Fix Popped-Up Tiles: 

1. Assess the Damage: 

Before attempting any repairs, assess the extent of the damage. Determine the cause of the tile lifting and evaluate if it is a single tile or a larger area affected. Identifying the root cause will help you address the issue effectively.

2. Replace Damaged Tiles: 

For tiles that are cracked, broken, or completely dislodged, it is necessary to replace them. Carefully remove the damaged tile, clean the area, and apply fresh adhesive before installing the new tile. Ensure that the replacement tile matches the existing tiles in terms of size, colour, and texture.

3. Re-adhere Lifted Tiles: 

If the tile is still intact but has lifted from the subfloor, you can attempt to re-adhere it. Carefully lift the tile, remove any old adhesive residue, apply a high-quality adhesive to both the tile and the subfloor, and press the tile firmly back into place. Use a rubber mallet or a wooden block covered with a cloth to ensure even pressure.

4. Reinforce the Bond: 

To strengthen the bond between the tile and the subfloor, you can use grout or epoxy resin. Apply a small amount of grout or epoxy to the edges and corners of the tile to provide additional support. Wipe off any excess material before it dries.

5. Repair and Maintenance: 

Promptly address any popped-up or damaged tiles to prevent further issues. Replace the affected tiles and reinforce the adhesive bond to maintain a level and secure tile surface.

6. Consult Professionals:

In cases where the tile lifting is widespread, persistent, or caused by structural issues, it is advisable to consult professionals. They can assess the situation, identify underlying problems, and provide appropriate solutions that may involve repairing or reinforcing the subfloor.

7. Regular Inspections: 

Regularly inspect the tiles to identify any signs of lifting or damage. Early detection allows for timely repairs and prevents further complications.

Finding solutions that work requires an understanding of the underlying reasons for popped-up tiles. By addressing internal factors, such as cleaning practices, tile quality, adhesive selection, subfloor levelling, and accidental collisions, homeowners can maintain a beautiful and functional tiled surface for years to come. Also, regular maintenance, proper installation, and adherence to recommended practices will help ensure the longevity and stability of your tiles.


Can you fix a cracked tile without replacing it? 

Unfortunately, once a tile is cracked, it is challenging to repair it without replacing it. Cracks compromise the structural integrity and aesthetics of the tile, and attempting to repair them may result in a less satisfactory outcome. It is best to replace cracked tiles to ensure a seamless and durable surface.

How often should I inspect my tiles for lifting or damage?

Regular inspections are essential to detect any signs of tile lifting or damage. It is recommended to inspect tiles at least once every six months, focusing on high-traffic areas and areas prone to moisture or heat. Early detection allows for timely repairs and prevents further complications.

Can I install tiles myself to avoid issues? 

While DIY tile installation is possible, it is crucial to have the necessary knowledge, skills, and tools. Improper installation can lead to various issues, including tile lifting. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is advisable to hire professionals to ensure a proper and secure tile installation.

What should I do if my tiles continue to lift despite repairs? 

If your tiles continue to lift despite repairs, it may indicate underlying structural issues or a faulty installation. In such cases, it is best to consult professionals who can assess the situation, identify the root cause, and provide appropriate solutions to rectify the problem effectively.

Joan Parker

With a background in construction management and a degree from Texas A&M University, Joan Parker started contributing to our platform in 2020. Her expertise in flooring is evident in her 18 years of experience in both residential and commercial flooring projects. Joan’s articles offer insights into the latest flooring trends and installation techniques. Her years of experience in selecting and installing various flooring types inform her detailed guides. She is passionate about sustainable building materials and enjoys hiking and nature photography.

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