Tips for Creating Zen Outdoor Spaces in Your Backyard

Enhancing the comforts and convenience of your backyard spaces goes a long way in improving the overall value of your home. Creating a relaxing, zen atmosphere for your backyard will inspire you to spend more time outdoors, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. However, creating a zen space in your backyard is often easier said than done, particularly if you live in an urban area. A modern outdoor fountain, new flower garden arrangement, or contemporary art piece can give your outdoor space both a decorative and practical boost. If you aren’t spending time in your backyard or outdoor space, you aren’t getting the most out of your property.

The goal of creating a zen space for your backyard is to make it easier to relax outdoors and escape from the general hustle and bustle of your busy life. For most people, the appearance of greenery and nature brings a distinct sense of calm, particularly in the mornings and evenings. However, if your backyard is narrow or neighbors are too close, it often feels like creating such an atmosphere in your backyard is nearly impossible. Regardless of the shape and size of your backyard, these tips for setting up your outdoor spaces can make your backyard feel more refreshing and calm.

Install a Garden Fountain

Adding water elements to your backyard is an easy way to make your space more inviting when you’re trying to relax. The sights and sounds of a garden fountain serve as a centerpiece for your outdoor spaces, whether you choose a design with classic stone carving or contemporary metalwork. The ambient noise that a garden fountain creates makes it easier to drown out the sounds of noisy neighbors as well as nearby streets and highways. In addition, a garden fountain can also draw more wildlife to your backyard in a similar fashion to a birdbath. A luxury fountain can also increase your property’s overall value, particularly if the fountain was professionally installed as a freestanding installation separated from your house.

If you’re considering a garden fountain for your space, it’s essential to understand how the maintenance processes involved with this type of product work. Low-cost fountains usually require the homeowner to plug in the fountain with a weather-proof extension cord, while a higher-quality product often requires professional installation. You’ll also need to clean out the fountain’s water pump every one to three months, depending on its location.

For freestanding fountains, you’ll need to pack up and store the fountain indoors during the winter months. If it’s a fixed part of your garden, you’ll need to learn how to winterize your garden fountain before purchasing. You’ll also need to regularly clear out the basin, including any sticks, algae, or yard waste. Although maintaining your fountain can sometimes be a process, the benefits generally outweigh the costs, particularly if you’re aiming to increase the comforts of your outdoor spaces.

Arrange a New Outdoor Seating Area

To make your backyard a comfortable outdoor space, you’ll need weatherproof seating options. Outdoor seating can be so much more than a few patio chairs; there are plenty of couches and reclining chairs that bring the relaxing elements of your indoor spaces to your backyard. Outdoor coffee tables and contemporary furnishings make it easy to transform these seating areas into a space for entertaining guests during the warmer months. Depending on your local climate, you’ll also want to consider a sun shade sail or cabana to accompany these furniture pieces.

Designing a Zen Garden

A new arrangement of flowers for your garden boosts the backyard’s color and natural appeal. Clean lines and organized collections of herbs and other plants are also a great place to start when creating a zen space in your backyard. However, there’s so much more to a zen garden than the plants. Traditional Japanese Zen gardens, for example, use ornate tiling, with materials such as slate or bluestone. Gravel, pebbles, and larger rocks are also key elements to organizing your garden arrangements, moving the space further towards the appearance of a natural environment. If you’re building a Japanese garden for your home, you’ll want to consider these garden planning and arrangement techniques.

Select Modern Art That Complements Your Backyard

A tasteful, contemporary art piece may not hold a functional value for your backyard, but it provides a decorative boost for the space that’s tough to match. If you’re in the market for an art piece that fits your backyard arrangements, you’ll need to carefully consider the other decorative elements of your home’s exterior. If your home’s architecture is classical and straightforward, a brightly colored art piece might stick out too much to be pleasant. If your outdoor furniture follows a modern design and arrangement, you’ll likely want to avoid more traditional stonework art and opt for something more dramatically modern, to ensure your outdoor space follows a cohesive design.

Create Organized Pathways

Garden pathways create a natural border for the different zones of your outdoor space while making it significantly easier to access certain areas of your yard that were previously inconvenient or inaccessible. Gravel and mulch pathways generally require more maintenance, though they are considerably less expensive than the likes of stone or bricks. Aren’t sure what matches your outdoor space? Check out this guide to selecting a garden path.

Consider a Gas Firepit

A gas firepit serves a similar purpose to a garden fountain in that it acts as a centerpiece for your outdoor space. A gas fixture prevents smoke from rising up and is significantly safer than a traditional firepit, making it easy to enjoy a comforting blaze on cooler evenings. Gas firepits often accompany outdoor seating areas, kitchens, and dining spaces. While the cost of these fixtures is usually higher than many homeowners are willing to pay, they make for a luxury addition to your outdoor arrangements, regardless of the backyard’s size and shape.

Conclusion- Tips for Creating Zen Outdoor Spaces in Your Backyard

The ideal backyard makes it easy for homeowners to spend more time relaxing outdoors and serves as a retreat from the hustle and bustle of daily life. A new zen garden arrangement, contemporary fountain, or luxury firepit invites you, your family, and your guests to spend more time enjoying the fresh air and sunshine that your backyard offers.

Grace Hayes

An authority in outdoor space design, Grace Hayes, holding a degree in Environmental Design from Texas A&M University, joined us in 2021. Her 20-year career spans various aspects of landscape design and urban planning. Grace’s approach to outdoor spaces is to create environments that are both beautiful and beneficial to local ecosystems. Her articles are informed by her passion for eco-friendly and sustainable landscape practices. She is an avid gardener and enjoys birdwatching.

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