Planning the Perfect Move to New Zealand

So you want to go to New Zealand? This place has everything for those who want a little more adventure out of life, and it can be a wonderful place to both explore and relax in good measure. However, just like moving to any other location, you need to know a few things before you start planning your move, especially if you want it to be perfect!

There’s a lot that goes into every single move including shifting your furniture, and you need to make sure you know it all before you start preparing for the move. That way, you can spend less time stressing and more time having loads of fun in this pristine and beautiful area!

You Need To Have The Right Visa

New Zealand has a few different types of visas that you can use, depending on what you want to go to the country for, and for how long you wish to stay. For example, you could select the working holiday visa, which lets adults aged 18-30 (and only adults) to work and travel within the country for up to 12 months. However, you must also have a return ticket with you.

Additionally, you could travel on the Essential skills category, where you can take a job from an employer who has proven that they can’t find a local to fill the position. For a more permanent option, you can also come to the country on a skilled migrant visa, which offers permanent residency for workers whose skills are in demand.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of visa options that you can use to help you out with getting into the country. You should do your research and then make sure that you qualify for the visa that you want, and then the rest of the move will go really well!

Make Sure Your Items Can Get There

You might be able to bring small changes of clothing and your essential items to your new home in New Zealand on the plane, but for your larger items you are going to need help. Thankfully, it is pretty easy to find a company that specializes in shipping household goods to new zealand, and they will be able to help you pack up and ship your bigger items to the country during your move, so you won’t need to be without them for long.

Just make sure to get all your items packed and prepared to either go with you, stay behind, or get shipped, and don’t do it all on the day of the move either. The earlier you complete the packing projects, the less time you will spend stressing out about packing your items.

Pick The Best Place To Live In

Some of New Zealand’s best cities have easy rent and a reasonable cost of living, through the largest city in New Zealand: Auckland, is very expensive. You might be able to rent a home if you are planning on only staying in New Zealand for a while, such as for work, or you can make the move to purchase a home as well.

Just make sure to research what makes each area of New Zeland special and what the pros and cons are for living there. You might find that a city like Auckland is better for those who want to be on the water and who want to take advantage of the benefits of a larger city, while a place like Wellington is good for those who want to get a high price and yet pay high wages in return.

Still, no matter where you choose to live, make sure that you focus on earthquake safety. There are about 14,000 earthquakes in the country each year, only about 150-200 of which are strong enough to be felt, but you will receive training on what to do during an earthquake, no matter where you go.

Plan It Out And Make Your Move

New Zealand has a lot of benefits for everyone who wants to focus on living in a place of adventure. As long as you do your research into the country and also ensure that you are taking steps on your end to do everything possible to make the moving process easy, then your moving will be perfect and you can relax on the Kivik sofa!

And after a perfect move, you will be even more excited to get out into the world and see what your new home can offer you in New Zealand!

Liam Mitchell

Liam Mitchell, armed with over 16 years of experience in logistics and relocation management, holds a Bachelor's degree in Communication from New York University. Before joining our editorial team in 2020, Liam worked with several multinational moving companies. His years of professional experience were pivotal when he turned to writing in 2018. He's a seasoned traveler, which enriches his insights into relocation dynamics. Liam also enjoys kayaking and is an amateur painter.

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