How often should a mobile home be leveled

Mobile homes often referred to as manufactured homes are more affordable and efficient than permanent houses. They have all the basic and a few luxurious amenities that an individual needs to sustain a life peacefully. The durability of mobile homes depends upon the way it is taken care of and the location at which it is fixed when it is brought from a factory.

Leveling a mobile home is required to ensure its longevity. So the question is, how often should a mobile home be leveled? What is the cost of leveling a mobile home? What are the factors on which the cost of leveling a mobile home depends? Let us discuss.

How Often Should A Mobile Home Be Leveled?

Studies suggest that a mobile home should be leveled after every three to five years. Frequent leveling of a mobile home maintains the integrity of the mobile home. Moreover, the problem of uneven land is also brought into notice when leveling of a mobile home is done. Leveling a mobile home is also necessary to increase the durability and longevity of a manufactured home. Also, summertime is considered the best to relevel a mobile home.

How Much Does Leveling A Mobile Home Cost?

The average cost to relevel a mobile home ranges between $450 to $1000. For a single-wide mobile home, the expenses are likely to be between $450 to $600. However, for a double-wide manufactured home, the cost to be incurred is between $750 to $900. For leveling a triple-wide home, the cost is higher than $1000.

Initial leveling of a mobile home should be done within 12 to 18 months. As when the land beneath the manufactured home feels uneven, one must level the mobile home again. Further leveling of a mobile home can be done after 24 to 36 months, depending upon the unequal distribution of the patches on the land.

What Factors Contribute to the Cost of Leveling a Mobile Home?

As told, leveling a mobile home would cost between $450 to $1000. The value ranges because of the different factors that contribute to the amount that is to be paid when the leveling of a mobile home is done. The factors are as follows-

•Location of the Home

The location of the home decides the cost of leveling a mobile home. For instance, a manufactured home situated in a rural area would cost you nearly $250 to $300. On the other hand, a mobile home located in an urban area will require nearly $450 to $700 for getting leveled.

•Difficulty in Repairing

Secondly, the condition of the mobile home directly influences the cost of leveling a mobile home. If proper maintenance is given to a mobile home and it is taken care of, the cost of releveling a mobile home is comparatively low. A mobile home with much damage done to it would need extra piers and an increase in the height of the piers. It would ultimately result in increasing the cost of leveling a mobile home even if you repair the recliner.

•Size of the Home

A single-wide mobile home incurs the least amount of cost to get releveled. To relevel a single-wide mobile home, a cost of $450 to $600 is to be paid. Contrary to this, for leveling a double-wide mobile home you have to pay a sum between $600 to $900. If the size of the manufactured home is too large, that is, it is a triple-wide mobile home, the amount to be paid will be more than $1000.

•Process of Leveling

There are different processes involved in the leveling of a mobile home. It requires a variety of materials and tools, setting up a water level, removing home skirting, or replacing home skirting. Everything adds to the cost of leveling. The more the inputs are required to relevel a mobile home, the more will be the cost involved.

How To Know If Your Mobile Home Is Unleveled?

Knowing timely that your mobile home is uneven and it needs leveling again is extremely important to prevent future damages to be caused to the mobile home. Certain signs can be noticed when a mobile home needs leveling. They are as follows-

•It is difficult to open the doors and windows or to close them.

•The mobile looks tilted and bent from the exterior.

•Creaking sounds are heard in the manufactured home.

•You can acknowledge cracks in places.

•Water can be seen on the floor.

•The side of the house seems to be under pressure.

All these signs indicate that a mobile home needs immediate leveling. Leveling should be done by a professional to have the leveling done properly.

How Long Does It Take to Relevel A Mobile Home?

It takes nearly 4 to 6 hours to relevel a mobile home. In 6 hours, the mobile home will be back to its original position. However, the time taken to level a mobile home solely depends on the condition of the mobile home, difficulty in the leveling of the house, and most importantly the size of the house.

Can Average Homeowners Relevel a Mobile Home?

A homeowner with a slight construction experience and knowledge can relevel a mobile home if only a few joints and bolts need to be corrected. The basic tools that are necessary for releveling are anyhow required. But, if there is an issue in the piers and water is leaking on the floors, the assistance of an expert is needed. Leveling a mobile home on your own would cost nearly $500 for an average-sized home.

What Tools Are Needed To Relevel A Mobile Home?

To relevel a mobile home, bolts, screws, foundation anchors, tape measure, pipes, jacks, etc are needed. At times help from your family or friends is also required if you are to relevel a mobile home on your own. However, it is advised that you call for professional help whenever leveling of a mobile home is to be done.


Leveling the mobile home is important to maintain its integrity of a mobile home. It should be done after a period of 12 to 36 months depending upon the condition of the mobile home and the damages being done to it.

Dominik Sherman

Dominik Sherman, an authority in home organization, earned his degree in Interior Design from the University of Washington. With over 15 years of experience in space optimization and minimalist design, Dominik joined our platform in 2020, offering innovative and practical home organization solutions. Before this, he ran a successful home organizing consultancy, helping clients transform their living spaces. Dominik is also an avid gardener, finding peace and inspiration in the harmony of nature and organized spaces.

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