7 Tips for Cleaning A Home with Pets

Pets bring so much joy into our lives. But they also bring extra maintenance and cleaning duties. Pets can shed, track in dirt and other pollutants from outside, and can sometimes have bad odors.

Regular cleaning helps create a healthy environment for both you and your furry, feathery, or scaly friend.

In this article, we’ll share some of our favorite tips that we use to take care of our homes and all of their inhabitants.

Cleaning Tip #1: Stay on top of pet hair

Brush your pets regularly

One of the most effective ways to manage pet hair in your home is to brush your pets regularly.

Depending on the breed of dog or cat you have (you can still brush your reptiles and birds), you may have to brush daily or multiple times a day.

Grooming helps to remove loose hair from the source before it ends up on your floor, furniture, or clothes. It will also keep your pet’s coat healthy and prevent any matting.

Use furniture covers and washable blankets

Furniture covers or washable blankets are also great choices if you want to reduce the amount of hair getting stuck. To make sure you’re choosing the best furniture covers, you may want to check out Purchase Palliser Furniture Reviews Comparisons and Complaints! These reviews will provide insight into the quality and durability of furniture covers.

A very simple option is to use a bedsheet to drape over your furniture or to sew custom cushion covers.

This is also a great way to keep your furniture clean by making it easy to remove and wash when needed. And don’t cover your furniture with plastic because that’s just tacky!

Vacuum regularly

Even if you’re brushing your pets and covering up your furniture, pet hair always manages to somehow get everywhere so it’s important to maintain a vacuuming schedule.

Invest in a vacuum cleaner with strong suction power and pet-specific attachments, such as a motorized brush or upholstery tool. Give extra attention to where your pets spend most of their time like carpets, beds, or crates.

Cleaning Tip #2: Control pet odors

Clean litter boxes and cages frequently

Pet odors can quickly become overwhelming if not managed properly. If you have a cat, it’s essential to clean litter boxes daily and to change the litter completely once a week or once every 2 weeks at the minimum.

The same goes for our feathered friends in cages. We all want our pets to have the best life so making sure we keep their space smelling clean is the least we could do.

Use odor-eliminating sprays and air fresheners

This is another great option to get rid of unwanted odors but be aware that some pets might be sensitive to certain sprays or products so be sure to test in a small area.

Air fresheners with odor-eliminating qualities may be a better option than sprays as long as they are placed somewhere out of reach of your pets.

Wash pet bedding regularly

Similar to how we should wash our bedding regularly, we should also wash our pet’s bedding regularly.

Pets can stink just as much or even more than us! In addition to the odor, this is also important to reduce the amount of dirt and hair buildup that can occur. The same goes for other washable pet items like blankets and toys.

Cleaning Tip #3: Keep floors clean

Wipe paws when pets come inside

Pets can easily track dirt, mud, and debris into your home on their paws or entire body if they like to play in puddles.

To prevent this, make it a habit to wipe your pet’s paws with a damp cloth or pet-safe wipes when they come inside. You could also teach them to wipe their own paws!

Use door mats and runners

Using doormats and runners can be another way to wipe dirty shoes and paws on. These will provide an extra layer of protection for your floor to prevent mud and scratches.

Just make sure to shake these out or vacuum them regularly.

Image by Pexels

Cleaning Tip #4: Keep surfaces clean

Use pet-friendly cleaning products

When cleaning surfaces in your home, it’s essential to use pet-friendly cleaning products that won’t harm your furry friends.

Many traditional cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can be toxic to pets. Opt for natural, non-toxic, and pet-safe products to keep your home clean and your pets healthy.

Wipe down surfaces regularly

Pet hair has a knack for getting into the most unexpected places. Along with hair, pets can also leave dirt and allergens on places like countertops, tables, and window sills.

It’s important to regularly wipe down these surfaces to reduce any buildup. Keep some rags or cleaning wipes nearby to jump into cleaning action quickly!

Clean pet toys and dishes frequently

Just like how we wouldn’t want to use the same dishes without washing them beforehand, we should wash our pets’ dishes regularly.

The food from the previous feeding time mixed with saliva is not a good combination and can attract bacteria. Pet toys, especially for dogs, are another thing to wash regularly.

Be sure to follow the washing instructions but in many cases, fabric toys could potentially be washing-machine safe, and rubber or silicone toys could be dishwasher safe. This would make it easier to clean but always make sure to check the labels.

Cleaning Tip #5: Use the right cleaners

Use enzymatic cleaners to remove stains and odors

All-purpose cleaners might not be enough to clean up pet accidents due to the enzymes that are in urine and feces.

This is where enzymatic cleaners come in. This type of cleaner is an excellent choice for cleaning up pet accidents, as they contain enzymes that break down the proteins in urine, feces, and vomit, effectively removing stains and odors.

They also discourage pets from returning to the same spot which will help prevent future accidents.

Cleaning Tip #6: Use air purifiers

Choose a pet-friendly air purifier

Air purifiers do an amazing job at improving indoor air quality and reducing pet allergens. Be sure to look for air purifiers that have a HEPA filter that can capture pet dander, dust, hair, and other particles.

Some also have carbon filters to help combat pet odors.

Place the air purifier in areas where your pets spend the most time

To maximize the effectiveness of your air purifier, place it in the areas where your pets spend the most time, such as the living room, bedroom, or their designated play area.

This will ensure that the air purifier is working to clean the air where it’s most needed. Don’t forget to regularly replace or clean the filters based on the instructions in the user’s manual.

This will allow the air purifier to work at its best.

This is how you’ll feel with an air purifier. Image by Pexels

Cleaning Tip #7: Regularly maintain and replace your vacuum cleaner

Choose a vacuum cleaner designed for pet hair and dander

When it comes to keeping a clean home with pets, having the right vacuum cleaner is crucial. Look for models specifically designed to handle pet hair and dander.

These often come with specialized attachments, such as pet hair brushes, and powerful suction capabilities to effectively remove pet hair from various surfaces.

HEPA filters are also a valuable feature in a vacuum cleaner, as they can help capture pet allergens and improve indoor air quality.

Regularly clean and maintain your vacuum cleaner

Your vacuum cleaner will become your best friend in the fight against pet hair so make sure to take care of it.

Keep it in tip-top shape by emptying the dustbin or bag when needed, replacing the filter on a regular basis, and untangling any hair or other materials stuck to the brushes and attachments.

Doing this maintenance will make sure your vacuum cleaner remains as effective and powerful as possible for cleaning up after your pets.


A clean home has numerous benefits for both pets and their owners. It helps create a comfortable and healthy living environment, reduces the risk of allergies and respiratory issues, and contributes to the overall well-being of everyone in the household.

Maintaining a clean home when you have pets can be challenging, but it is essential for the well-being of both you and your furry friends.

By following the tips laid out in this article, you can effectively manage pet hair, odors, and allergens in your home.

Harold Cooper

With over 15 years in the home management industry, Harold Cooper boasts a Master's degree in Environmental Science from Stanford University. Initially, he was a senior consultant at a leading home organization firm. He started his career in retail management, focusing on home improvement products, before transitioning to content creation in 2017. Harold is also an enthusiastic urban gardener and a passionate advocate for sustainable living. He is also a great cyclist and enjoys woodworking during his downtime.

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