5 Makeover Tips for a More Sleep-Friendly Bedroom

Are you having trouble getting a night of restful sleep? Several factors can cause poor quality of sleep. These include work obligations, inadequate sleep hygiene, sleep disorders, and other mental health and medical conditions.

While there are various ways to help you have a better sleep quality, getting a good night’s rest always starts in the bedroom. However, many people don’t realize that the arrangement and appearance of their sleeping environment significantly affect their sleep quality.

But how do you make your bedroom more conducive to sleeping and relaxing? Read our makeover tips below to help you get started.

1. Eliminate the Clutter

Piles of clothes draped over furniture, and any clutter in your bedroom can make it harder to fall asleep. They may generate anxious feelings, making it more difficult for you to relax. Note that your body activates its natural stress response when stressed or tense. It releases hormones that can cause you to feel more alert, thus keeping you up at night.

Eliminating clutter can be a great first step when you have difficulty getting to sleep. Start going through the things in your bedroom and get rid of any items you don’t need or use anymore. Also, make it a daily habit to clean and pick up clutter so they don’t build up and disturb your sleeping pattern.

2. Invest in a Quality Mattress

The condition of your mattress is another essential factor. Generally, the lifespan of most mattresses is around seven to ten years. However, it depends on the materials used, weight and sleeping position of the sleepers.

Pay attention to the current shape of your mattress. If it shows any signs of sagging and causes problems in your sleep, it might be time to get a new one. It is a crucial foundation for a good night’s rest, so ensure to invest in one with the kind of quality that can support your body and sleeping style.

3. Use Wooden Furniture

The type of furniture you use in the bedroom also influences your quality of sleep. One way to make your space more sleep-friendly is to use wood bedroom furniture. It sets the mood for the entire room and has a massive impact on a good night’s sleep.

One Canadian study revealed that wood helps create a positive and healthful environment. Its colours and texture specifically promote warmth, comfort and relaxation in people. When doing a makeover in your bedroom, don’t overlook the power of solid wood furniture for a more restful state.

4. Add the Right Interior Elements

Making your bedroom more conducive to sleeping also involves incorporating the right interior design. If you’re looking to design a room that promotes a sense of calm and sleep, make sure to factor in the following elements:


The kind of light you have in your bedroom may compromise your sleep. Exposure to light slows the production of melatonin, a hormone that your brain releases at night to stimulate feelings of sleepiness and relaxation and also matches the flooring.

Thus, if you want to make your sleep environment more conducive to rest, keep the room dark with cassette blinds or low light levels. If none of these is possible, you can always use a sleep mask to cover your eyes from the light.


Warmer temperatures can keep you alert, making it more difficult to sleep. However, when temperatures are cooler, your body produces more melatonin, keeping you deeply rested through the sleep stages.

If you want an environment that facilitates deep sleep, lower the temperature in your bedroom at night. According to the Sleep Foundation, around 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit is the most comfortable bedroom temperature for sleep.


Aromatherapy can also help promote better sleep. Try to fill your bedroom with scents that can make you feel more relaxed. For example, some research findings revealed that lavender essential oils improve sleep quality. Whether it’s a scented candle, essential oil or cream, your brain will associate the soothing fragrance with bedtime and rest.

5. Keep Electronics Out of the Bedroom

Limiting any distractions in your sleeping environment can help you sleep better. Meanwhile, staring at the TV or computer screens and other electronic gadgets can mess up your circadian rhythm and affect sleep quality. If you want a restful night, keep them out of the bedroom.

Transform Your Bedroom and Make Rest a Priority

You don’t have to spend too much of your savings or earnings to create a more comfortable sleeping environment in your bedroom. Any minor changes like decluttering and adjusting the interior elements can make a big difference to your sleep quality. But if you can, it’s also a good idea to invest in quality bedroom furniture to ensure and prioritize a more restful sleep at night.

Alice Miller

An expert in interior decoration, Alice Miller, who holds a Bachelor’s in Interior Design from Parsons School of Design, joined our team in 2021. Her 20-year career includes work as a freelance decorator and a design consultant. Alice’s writing focuses on creating harmonious and stylish living spaces and offers innovative decorating ideas. She enjoys antique hunting and is actively involved in the preservation of historical architecture. She is a fan of minimalist design and enjoys urban sketching in her spare time.

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